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Sleep’s is more than just S’mores

S’mores has become a dessert option at restaurants. So you order up. But as you melt the marshmallow over an open flame at your table and assemble your version of a personal s’more, the first bite brings back the memory of your first taste. The lake!

Definitely not the same feeling you get at the restaurant, but rather with friends sitting around a campfire sharing the day’s events. The smells of the lake and pine trees wafting in the air. Your hair donning a dry version of wet hair from swimming and diving all day. Subtle hints of sunscreen perfumes the sunset. You’re wearing the same sweatshirt as the night before, with stains from last night’s s’mores proudly displayed. Each person taking a bite and the descriptions of flavor emanating from their smiles. Left with a sugar high and the telltale chocolate ring around the smiles, the stories begin and go long into the midnight hour.

Soon the kids are sawing logs while the adults share dreams and memories. Can’t it be like this always? Not quite, but you can revisit the perfect s’more at Sleeps Cabins. Cozy cabins tucked beneath the trees and starry nights. Panoramic views of beautiful Lake Pend Oreille where eagles dive for fish, are the norm. You can feel the stress melt from your body, and remember what life is supposed to be.

As you climb into your cozy bed with fresh sheets, you drift off into a peaceful rest dreaming of another day at the lake.  The real place to eat s’mores.

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